When I was using Uptime-Kuma, I encountered a very tangled problem: that is, when monitoring the health changes of my site, how can I most effectively provide real-time notifications? Uptime-Kuma supports many notification methods, but normal people can only use these few:
This is possible, but you need to set up instant notifications for the corresponding email client. I don't like to read emails as soon as they arrive, so email notifications can be viewed as archives, but not as instant notifications. By the way, 139 mailboxes support SMS notifications, but the format of SMS notifications is not easy to change.
2. Webhook
This works, but it is best if you have an existing webhook receiver. It is not recommended if you want to build it completely yourself.
3. Telegram
This actually works, but it is not suitable for domestic use. Friends who have their own methods can set it up by themselves, which is also relatively simple.
4. AliyunSMS
这个本来是可行的,我还专门花了30元买了一个套餐,结果搞到最后才发现,短信模板必须包含以下4个变量:{name}{time} {status}{msg},但是包含了这4个变量的短信模板却不能通过审核,客服打死不同意4个变量,建议我3个就够了,可能是怕我干坏事?

So the 30 yuan was wasted.

There are also DingTalk, Feishu, WeChat for Business robots, etc., but these are not suitable for me (brothers who are already using them can use them), and I don’t use them.
It seemed like I was stuck in a dead end, but then I discovered bark.

Bark is a message push server that supports self-built services (actually it is also a webhook), and on Apple products (iPhone, iPad, Mac), you can directly install the client in the app store to receive notifications, which is exactly what I need.
Deploy bark-server
First, use Docker to install a bark server. It is recommended to install it on a home broadband or cloud server with a public network address. The installation command is as follows:
docker run --name bark-server -dt --restart=always -p 8080:8080 -v /docker/bark-server/data:/data finab/bark-server
Parameter explanation:
-p 8080:8080
Specify the mapping port of the container. You can modify 8080 according to your actual environment requirements.
-v /docker/bark-server/data:/data finab/bark-server
/docker/bark-server/data is the mount directory on my host machine, change it according to your actual environment.
After the operation is completed, directly use the browser to accesshttp://your public network ip:8080/ping
, if you get the following response:

That is success.
iOS terminal settings
Then download the bark app in appstroe, open it, and the following interface will be displayed:

By the way, bark provides a message server by default, which is the above. It is reasonable to use it directly, but it is public, and the messages you push can be seen by others. So for safety reasons, we still have to use our own server in the end.
Click the + sign in the upper right corner:

In the Server Address field, enterhttp://your public network ip:8080
, and then click Done in the lower right corner, as shown below:

After adding successfully, it will return to the initial interface:

Then click Register Device:
At this time, you will receive a notification asking you to allow notifications from the bark app. Click Allow here:

Then return to this page, which means the device has been successfully registered:

Then go back to Uptime-Kump and select bark in the notification:

Note the bark access point address in the red box, which is the red box address in the interface after we successfully registered above, as shown below:

Here we just need to click the copy button above to copy this address directly, and then paste it into the bark access point in the Uptime-Kuma notification. The following "Change to your own push content here" can be modified according to your own needs. This is the content of the notification received by the app when there is a problem with the monitoring site.
From now on, the bark notification setting of Uptime-Kuma is completed. I have set up several bark notifications at the same time, corresponding to iPhone, iPad, MacBook, and Mac-mini. Once a problem occurs, all devices will receive notifications in real time. It is very practical and I don’t have to worry about text messages anymore.
Configuring public network access
If you want to publish to the public Internet, you need to choose the most suitable publishing method according to the actual environment and the reverse proxy you use. You can refer to my previous articles:
1,Docker series uses Docker to build its own reverse proxy based on NPM
2,Linux panel series configure reverse proxy and use non-443 port for publishing
3.Home data center series uses domestic cloud hosting to get free cloudflare to achieve fast access to domestic sites from abroad
4.Home Data Center Series: Use cloudflare to build a website quickly with no public IP in your home broadband (general purpose)
The first and second methods are suitable for environments with public IP but no legal 443 port (home broadband, unregistered cloud host). You need to add a non-standard port after the URL (if you use cloudflare to build a website, you don't need to add a port, but you need to customize the source station port. You can refer to:Home data center series uses cloudflare's Origin Rules to solve the problem of having a public IP but no legal ports 80 and 443 when building a websiteThe third method is suitable for cloud hosts with a record, and the fourth method is suitable for all environments (including environments without public IP), which is also the method I recommend (regardless of whether your environment has a public IP or not, because this method does not require running https traffic directly on the public network).