Trinitycore series 3.3.5 (24011) version adds npcbots robots
This article was last updated 228 days ago. The information in it may have developed or changed. If it is invalid, please leave a message in the comment section.

Earlier we built the Trinitycore 3.3.5 version of World of Warcraft (see:Trinitycore Series World of Warcraft Trinitycore 3.3.5 (24011) version building for dummies), but sometimes, we also want to add NPC robots, so that they can accompany us to level up, go to dungeons, and fight in battlefields~, so there is the following article.

Note: Just like the idiot book, the directory server3.5.5 in some of the screenshots below was a mistake when the directory was created. It should be server3.3.5. However, it was too much work to re-create the screenshots, so I changed some of them and left the others alone. In addition, some of them are old pictures from the previous version 23061 when npcbot was added. Please forgive me if you are lazy.

In Trinitycore 3.3.5, there are two types of NPC robots: npcbot and playbot. Playbot can make NPCs wander around the map and perform outdoor PVP. NPCbot can accompany you to dungeons, battlefields, upgrade and do tasks, etc., so each has its own advantages. However, it is said that playbot is unstable, so I chose npcbot this time. In theory, it is perfect to use playbot and npcbot at the same time. I will try it when I have time.

First go to github to download the zip installation package of npcbots:
Matching npcbots version download link


Note: There is a compatibility range between the Trinitycore 3.3.5 version (24011 in this article) and the npcbots version. The npcbots commit I used at the time was "cd415a1302ee9b9f6e9406b63a8f4ad8fb3c0872". Thanks to the Zhihu netizen "海洋之殇" for helping me try out the npcbots version suitable for 20411. I neglected to remember it at the time, and later I was at a loss. I have updated the download link above to a matching version.

Unzip the downloaded file and upload the NPCBots.patch patch file to the following directory:/home/wow/TrinityCore/TrinityCore-TDB335.24011/

Then go into the directory and apply the patch:

cd /home/wow/TrinityCore/TrinityCore-TDB335.24011 patch -p1 < NPCBots.patch


Re-run cmake and make according to the steps in the previous article:

cd /home/wow/TrinityCore/TrinityCore-TDB335.24011/build

Re-run cmake:

cmake ../ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/home/wow/server3.3.5


Re-run make:
make -j $(nproc) install

At this time, the main program of TC 3.3.5 version of World of Warcraft has been rebuilt and supports npcbot. Then you need to add the configuration of npcbot to the worldserver.conf configuration file:

cd /home/wow/server3.3.5/etc/ vim worldserver.conf.dist

Copy and paste the last part of NPCBOT CONFIGURATION and add it to the end of worldserver.conf. Or you can directly rename worldserver.conf.dist to worldserver.conf. If you have already modified the configuration of worldserver.conf, you can just add it here.


Next is the configuration of the database, which mainly involves the update of the characters and world libraries. In the previous article, we mentioned the functions of these two libraries. Characters is mainly used to store various game characters, and world is mainly used to store NPCs, bosses, and various items.

Will /home/wow/TrinityCore/TrinityCore-TDB335.24011/sql/Bots Apply the SQL file in the characters_ and world_ The files starting with characters and world database).

The file is as follows:

1_world_bot_appearance.sql 2_world_bot_extras.sql 3_world_bots.sql 4_world_generate_bot_equips.sql 5_world_botgiver.sql characters_bots.sql

Copy the above files to a directory on the device where the database is located, assuming that they are all copied to the /root directory of the database device, and then import them into the world and characters libraries:

mysql -u root -p world < /root/1_world_bot_appearance.sql mysql -u root -p world < /root/2_world_bot_extras.sql mysql -u root -p world < /root/3_world_bots.sql mysql -u root -p world < /root/4_world_generate_bot_equips.sql mysql -u root -p world < /root/5_world_botgiver.sql mysql -u root -p characters < /root/characters_bots.sql

Next apply all SQL update files in "/TrinityCore/sql/Bots/updates" to your database.

Note: There are 3 folders in the TrinityCore/sql/Bots/updates folder: auth, characters, world. There are many SQL files in them. If you apply them one by one like above, you will be exhausted. . . To solve this problem, the official provides 3 scripts in the /home/wow/TrinityCore/TrinityCore-TDB335.24011/sql/Bots folder:

They can combine the SQL command statements in the three folders under the update directory into three single files.
First grant them execution permissions:

cd /home/wow/TrinityCore/TrinityCore-TDB335.24011/sql/Bots chmod +x chmod +x chmod +x

Then execute respectively:

cd /home/wow/TrinityCore/TrinityCore-TDB335.24011/sql/Bots ./ ./ ./

After the run is finished, use ls to check:


Get 3 files ALL_auth.sql, All_characters.sql, ALL_world.sql
Copy these three files to the /root directory of the device where the database is located, and then run the following command:

mysql -u root -p auth < /root/ALL_auth.sql mysql -u root -p characters < /root/ALL_characters.sql mysql -u root -p world < /root/ALL_world.sql

The processing of this database is also completed. Finally, re-run authserver and worldserver:

/home/wow/server3.3.5/bin/authserver /home/wow/server3.3.5/bin/worldserver

In addition: For common commands of npcbot, see:Trinitycore series 3.3.5 version npcbot common commands.

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  1. xx
    Windows Chrome 79.0.3945.79
    8 months ago
    2024-6-14 13:16:46

    Is there any corresponding patch that can be shared? The newly downloaded compilation has errors.

    • Owner
      iPhone Chrome 125.0.6422.80
      8 months ago
      2024-6-14 13:24:39

      The patch is updated frequently. When I posted this article, the robot's right-click menu was not translated into Chinese, but the old version was translated into Chinese. When I have time, I will recompile it with the new patch and fix the problem. If you can't wait, you can also find the solution to the error on the Internet. Actually, I wanted to save the patch last time, but later I saw that even the right-click menu was not translated into Chinese, so I didn't have much interest in saving it and wanted to wait until it was translated into Chinese.

    • Owner
      Macintosh Chrome
      8 months ago
      2024-6-30 14:46:45

      I have updated the corresponding version of npcbots download link in the article.

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