In the previous article, we built the server side of Trinitycore 3.3.5 (see article: Trinitycore series World of Warcraft Trinitycore 3.3.5 (24011) version building fool's book), and added NPC...
Previously we built the Trinitycore 3.3.5 version of World of Warcraft (see: Trinitycore Series World of Warcraft Trinitycore 3.3.5 (24011) Version Construction Dummies Book), but sometimes, we also want to...
Environment selection: It's up to you to choose which environment to use for deployment. You can use Windows or Linux. Since my server is installed with PVE virtual machine 7.4 (based on Debian 11), I will use the latest Debian 12 to build it. …
When everyone has built the Trinitycore 3.3.5 version of the World of Warcraft server (see: Trinitycore series World of Warcraft Trinitycore 3.3.5 version of the fool's book) and has added the npcbot robot...
Preface Continuing from the previous article on building a nostalgic emulator (see article: Using Docker to deploy a web-based nostalgic game emulator based on emulatorjs), I continued to look for similar interesting projects built with Docker to enrich the "game world" of my blog...
Preface In my previous article, I introduced the detailed steps of how to deploy a web-side nostalgic game emulator based on emulatorjs's docker (see article: Use docker to deploy a web-side nostalgic game emulator based on emulatorjs), but in the end...
Preface Today, I was free and suddenly wanted to build an old game emulator for the web. So I searched on hub.docker and found the linuxserver/emulatorjs project. The official explanation is: "A browser-based network...
After I set up the Trinitycore 3.3.5 World of Warcraft server, I was thinking about setting up some other game servers. After all, my blog "Game World" section can't just have World of Warcraft, the name is so...
In the previous article (see: World of Warcraft Trinitycore 3.3.5 version building fool's book), we built the wlk World of Warcraft server based on Trinitycore 3.3.5 version by ourselves, and after the worldserver program was successfully run...
Trinitycore (TC for short), and the famous N server (Nostalrius) are both branches of the MaNGOS (commonly known as Big Mango) open source software project. TC mainly maintains the 3.3.5a WLK version and the master Legion version.