When everyone has built the Trinitycore 3.3.5 version of the World of Warcraft server (see:Trinitycore Series World of Warcraft Trinitycore 3.3.5 Version Building for Dummies) and the npcbot robot has been added (see:Trinitycore series 3.3.5 version adds npcbots robots), then the next step is how to operate and control the robot in the game. There is a detailed npcbot command description on github, you can check it directly, the link is as follows:https://github.com/trickerer/Trinity-Bots.
However, firstly, it is difficult to access it domestically, and secondly, the English version is not comfortable to read, so I have pasted some commonly used commands and Chinese comments below as a memo. After all, if you log in occasionally, you will definitely have almost forgotten the commands when you need to use them.