5 / 12 , 2024 20:43:16


  1. Android Chrome
    10 months ago
    2024-5-19 8:10:45

    I have a question for you. Is there any threshold for daily or monthly traffic of the site to apply for Google AdSense? For example, how much traffic should be reached relatively stably?

    • Owner
      Clear Rain
      Macintosh Chrome
      10 months ago
      2024-5-19 8:56:14

      Daily or monthly traffic is only one aspect, I think it is not the most important, because my traffic in this area is very small now. The key is whether your site meets some requirements in Google search engine, such as whether you rank first or in the top few for a certain keyword, whether the site is clean (such as a lot of unsafe external links), whether the site structure is clear (sitemap), whether it is mainly original content, etc. I think these are the main basis for judgment.

      • tangwudi
        Android Chrome
        10 months ago
        2024-5-19 9:14:41

        Thanks to the blogger for sharing his experience. I feel that my blog application should have a high probability of being approved. Some of the keywords of the original content are ranked in the top ten and top five in Bing and Google, and some are in the top two. There are no unsafe external links. I will apply for it some other day.

        • Owner
          Clear Rain
          Macintosh Chrome
          10 months ago
          2024-5-19 9:19:06

          I just got it, and haven’t figured out what to do with it yet. There are a lot of things to pay attention to, and there are a lot of pitfalls. Some of the points mentioned in previous articles seem to be invalid now. After I finish the article I’m writing, I’ll write an article about Google Ads, but I’m still researching it now.

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