Category: docker

Summary of various docker records and experiences used in daily life

36 Posts

Docker series: Use Docker to build your own self-destructing application based on cryptgeon
Preface We often need to send texts, links or files to friends on WeChat, QQ or other similar chat tools, but you should know that in the current severe environment (and it will become more and more severe in the future), everything you send will be recorded and will be kept for 3-5 years. Although we are all law-abiding citizens...
Docker series uses Docker to set up a blog slave site based on WordPress and implement regular backup of master-slave site configuration
Preface I had this idea because I changed the domain name of the image hosting last time. Later, when I was batch modifying the image hosting addresses in the WordPress database, there was a format problem when copying and pasting the SQL command, which caused the WordPress database in mariadb to crash.
Docker series uses Docker to build your own image bed based on Chevereto
Preface For home data center website building, having your own image bed is a must: first, saving money is the bottom line, and you will never spend money to borrow others if you can build it yourself; second, you need to refine the regional processing of image bed access in the future (return different image beds according to the source address of the access from domestic and foreign countries...
Docker series uses Docker to build its own exclusive navigation page based on Heimdall
Preface As more and more applications are deployed in my home data center, my Chrome browser bookmarks are also increasing. It is not intuitive to select each time (the key is that there is no style), so I have to consider building a navigation page to organize the access links of these applications. After a long investigation, I feel that…
Spring Festival